Locally owned and operated since 2020, we are the only clinic in the Clarenville area with a Registered Clinical Audiologist. With many years of education and over 13 years of experience in practice we offer all hearing related services from hearing assessments, medical reports, hearing aids, assistive listening devices, hearing protection, earplugs, ear cleaning, applications for hearing aid coverage through workplaceNL(and other provincial workers compensation), Veterans Affairs Canada, NIHB (non insured health benefits), private health insurances, on-site services such as occupational hearing screenings, sound level measurements and custom earplug fittings
and more.
No matter where you are starting from or where you want to go
let us help guide you on your journey to your better hearing destination.
Why choose an Audiologist?
Why choose an Audiologist?
An Audiologist is a hearing health care professional with a Masters degree in audiology who specializes in the administration and interpretation of complex hearing tests for all populations. Audiologists are trained to identify, manage and treat non-medical hearing problems, directly refer to ear nose and throat specialists for medical hearing problems, prescribe and fit hearing aids as well as other hearing related devices. Audiology is a regulated health profession within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador by the NLCHP (Newfoundland and Labrador Council of Health Professionals). This means that audiologists are governed by a regulatory bodies whose mandate it is to protect the public and ensure that audiologists are practicing in a safe, ethical, fair and professional manner.
Meet our Audiologist
Meet our Audiologist
Brittany Green graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2006 and a Masters of Clinical Science in Audiology from University of Western Ontario where she was awarded the Maureen Williams Memorial Award for clinical excellence in 2009. Brittany is a SAC (speech and audiology canada) certified audiologist and is registered member of NLASLPA (Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists). Brittany has over 13 years of clinical experience in Ontario, Alberta and her home province of Newfoundland with the majority of her career spent working in St. John's and Clarenville. She has extensive experience in testing, diagnostics, hearing aid fitting and adjustments, aural rehabilitation, industrial/occupational hearing testing and sound level assessments, fitting custom hearing protection and more. She is passionate about helping people hear better and also enjoys travel and spending time with family. She has had the pleasure of traveling all over the world, fitting hearing aids for underprivileged children in South America and would love the opportunity to do more of this work. No matter where she roams she loves to come home and currently resides in Clarenville with her husband Brad, two small children Harper and Harrison and dogs Lexie and Murphy. She looks forward to continuing to work with the wonderful people of the Clarenville area for many years to come.

"Resurrection and Life (Hearing)
It is 10:13 PM, and I just realized that I missed Lectio Divina tonight. Lectio is a contemplative prayer practice that a friend of mine leads for the online church group that I have been part of since Covid invaded the personal, physical spaces that once drew us into our own separate church bubbles.
Knowing that Covid has had so many horrible consequences, this group is one of its blessings. Had we not been called together as an experiment of online ministry by Nadia Bolz-Weber and Mother Superior through the Chapel, we never would have met and become close spiritual siblings who decided to stick together even after our beloved Chapel ended.
Now we are part of Kardia Lumina hosted by Rev. Cindy Pincus. This international family of God gathers for Lectio Divina once a week on Tuesday Nights and three times a week for daily prayer (I know). We were called together as spiritual misfits completely aware that we don’t fit into any of the typical churchy stereotypes, so meeting for daily prayer three times a week is quite appropriate actually. We do not feel the need to conform even though we know that there are seven days a week if we were to truly make it daily. I digress… a lot!
All of that to tell you that I am missing Lectio Divina tonight and that is a rare occurrence for me. But tonight I missed logging on because I am sitting out on my bridge (front steps for non-Newfoundlanders). It is dark and damp and chilly, but I am too amazed to go inside just yet. My beloved Roxie is at my feet and I am awestruck by my surroundings.
It isn’t that there is anything truly spectacular to see tonight. The stars that can be numbered in the millions in this small, dark little town are covered by clouds and my gorgeous old church built in 1912 is lit up and lovely. It never ceases to inspire me with its beauty, history, and faithful church family that gathers within it for worship and work together. But it is not what my eyes see that captures my attention. The earth is singing resurrection into my ears tonight.
I have had hearing aids for the last three years. For the last three months or so, they have been broken and unable to pay the $1000 for repairs, I have waited to receive a new pair so the insurance company will assist with the purchase. Over those months, I lost a lot. I couldn’t be in conversation with a group or hear responses from my congregation when I asked questions from the pulpit. If someone wore a mask or turned away from me or spoke from the back of a room while I was at the front, I couldn’t hear them. When I visit my church families the inability to hear gets in the way of relationship building.
However, today was my audiologist appointment and I received a loaner pair until my order comes in next week. While what I just typed is true, it doesn’t represent half of the excitement I feel as I hear the sounds of my sleepy little home tonight.
It is like there is a resurrection of new life coursing through my ears! The little stream that runs in the ravine beside my house is full with the melt off of snow from the hill and woods across the road. The Atlantic Ocean that is 200 ft from my back door rumbles and cracks as the ice shifts. I can hear Roxie happily snoozing and snoring at my feet. Any cars that do come by can be heard from a long way off and I happily count the seconds from first hearing them to seeing them whiz by. There are dogs barking down and across the bay and their voices drift over the water to my eardrums. I can even hear my own footsteps leading me into the world that I love to explore!
The hills really are alive with the sound of music! And I missed all that for so long. This has to be a resurrection! New life pulsing through my ears while my tears of joy and happiness splash onto my jeans.
I remember coming out of the hearing aid store the very first time with my new hearing aids and I couldn’t move from the stoop once the door to the shop closed behind me. My brain was overwhelmed. What was that noise? After a few minutes, I realized it was the sound of songbirds twittering their joy in the trees around the parking lot. I could always hear the loud and raucous calling of the crows, but little birds with little songs… I hadn’t heard them in years and I didn’t know what I was missing until I heard it again.
This time, the ability to hear the high and low frequencies, no matter how hard I listened, was dead to me. And I missed it. I grieved its loss. But today, it has all come back and the Spirit of Life has filled me with joy, wonder and appreciation once again!"
Our services
Our services
Hearing assessment
Hearing assessment
Everyone should have annual hearing screenings to maintain their hearing health. Assessment is quick, easy and painless and results of routine assessment can be compared to indicate maintenance of healthy hearing, hearing loss and/or potential causes of changes in hearing.
Hearing protection
Hearing protection
If you are exposed to loud noise through work or leisure activities you should always wear hearing protection to prevent permanent damage to your hearing. Have difficulty concentrating or sleeping due to unwanted noise? We offer a variety of customized ear plugs and hearing protection to fit any ear and every environment.
Hearing devices
Hearing devices
Hearing loss affects you and everyone in your life. We offer a variety of hearing devices from assistive listening devices which improve hearing in specific situations to hearing aids which improve hearing in a variety of situations to help you get the most out of your hearing and your life.
On-site services
On-site services
If you are an employer or OHS representative looking for a new or improved hearing conservation program we can help. Convenient, flexible and efficient hearing testing in our sound dampened, sound booth equipped mobile testing unit, custom earplug fitting and noise level assessments delivered on-site with detailed reporting to ensure your employees are safe from the dangers of hazardous workplace noise and your productivity is not affected.

Hickman Automotive Group on-site occupational hearing screenings 2021
"I wanted to send you a note to say that the service your company provided to Hickman Automotive Group this year in the handling of our workplace hearing evaluations was second-to-none. We were impressed with every step of the process from scheduling to execution of the tests for each of our locations. Your use of a mobile sound-proof booth as well as the courteous professionalism of your technician made the whole process work well for our Company and our employees. Thank you and we look forward to working with you in 2022."
-Peter Hatch, Director of Policies & Procedures, Hickman Motors Limited
"I just wanted to share a quick note and let you know that the service your company provided to Grupo Bimbo Bakery for our workplace hearing evaluations was excellent. Your professionalism and engagement made this a successful experience for our company and associates. I'm glad we decided to work with you and look forward to working with you again in the future."
-Todd VanBuskirk, Operations Manager, Grupo Bimbo
We support local
We support local
Proud supporters of Random Age Friendly, CREST BUS Clarenville Regional Extended Seniors Transportation & White Hills Resort, Lions Clubs, 50+ Clubs, East Link Event Center, Clarenville and Area Rod and Gun Club etc. Would you like to arrange services or an information session for your local group or organization? Contact us and we would be happy to help!
Proud supporters of Random Age Friendly, CREST BUS Clarenville Regional Extended Seniors Transportation & White Hills Resort, Lions Clubs, 50+ Clubs, East Link Event Center, Clarenville and Area Rod and Gun Club etc. Would you like to arrange services or an information session for your local group or organization? Contact us and we would be happy to help!

If you have any questions please email us at brittany@soundislandhearing.com
If you want to chat call us at (709)466-5114 and we'll call you back as soon as possible.
Find us on Facebook for updates and promotions SOUND ISLAND HEARING
If you have any questions please email us at brittany@soundislandhearing.com
If you want to chat call us at (709)466-5114 and we'll call you back as soon as possible.
Find us on Facebook for updates and promotions SOUND ISLAND HEARING
58F Manitoba Dr.
Clarenville, NL
24 Columbia Dr., Marystown, NL
(709) 466-5114
By appointment and walk-in when available.
Mon-Fri: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed